Coverage summary
Below you'll find the summary for our Account Information Service and Machine Learning features availability.
PDF Parsing is only available in Poland. Other API features are country agnostic.
Country | Single Access | Multiple Access | Labeling | Scoring |
PL | 26 | 19 | ||
ES | 16 | 13 | ||
CZ | 9 | 9 | ||
PT | 22 | 0 | ||
LV | 4 | 0 | ||
LT | 4 | 0 | ||
EE | 4 | 0 | ||
RO | 8 | 0 |
Account Information Service
Please note that the availability of each data category is not guaranteed. The table below represents information applicable to most users and imports, however in individual cases the bank might not return some data that is usually available.
Wherever there are no details available, it means that the connection is not tested or used enough to determine the data availability.
Country | Bank | KYC | Supported accounts | Max import days | Details |
CZ | Česká spořitelna Multiple Access |
individual | 1833 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
CZ | Air Bank Multiple Access |
individual | 1890 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
CZ | MONETA Money Bank Multiple Access |
individual | 737 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
CZ | Fio banka Multiple Access |
individual | 90 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
CZ | Československá obchodní banka (CSOB) Multiple Access |
individual | 1828 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
CZ | Komerční banka (KB) Multiple Access |
individual | 743 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
CZ | mBank Multiple Access |
individual | 366 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
CZ | Raiffeisenbank Multiple Access |
individual | 1828 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
CZ | Unicredit Bank Multiple Access |
individual | 1828 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | PKO BP Multiple Access |
individual | 397 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | PKO BP Biznes Multiple Access |
corporate | 396 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | Santander Bank Polska Multiple Access |
individual, sole trader | 562 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | mBank Multiple Access |
individual | 938 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | mBank Korporacyjny |
corporate | 731 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | Bank Millennium S.A. Multiple Access |
individual, sole trader, corporate | 568 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | ING Bank Śląski Multiple Access |
individual, sole trader, corporate | 1461 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | Bank Pekao S.A. Multiple Access |
individual, sole trader | 1461 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | Alior Bank Multiple Access |
individual, sole trader | 1461 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | Alior Bank Corporate Multiple Access |
corporate | 1461 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | BNP Paribas (GOonline) Multiple Access |
individual, sole trader | 1461 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | Bank Pocztowy Multiple Access |
individual | 1461 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | Crédit Agricole Multiple Access |
individual, sole trader | 823 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | VeloBank Multiple Access |
individual, sole trader | 1461 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | Nest Bank Multiple Access |
individual, sole trader | 1458 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | Inteligo |
individual | 1830 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | Kasa Stefczyka Multiple Access |
individual | 265 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | Plus Bank |
individual | 685 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | Bank Ochrony Środowiska (BOŚ) Multiple Access |
individual | 1461 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | eSKOK |
individual | 90 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | BNP Paribas (GOonline Biznes) Multiple Access |
corporate | 90 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | PekaoKorporacyjne | No details available | |||
PL | Optima |
individual | 90 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | NestBankCorporate Multiple Access |
corporate | 1205 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | Citi Handlowy |
individual | 365 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PL | Revolut Multiple Access |
individual, sole trader | 954 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
ES | La Caixa (CaixaBank) Multiple Access |
individual | 766 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
ES | Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA) |
individual | 1730 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
ES | ING Multiple Access |
individual | 1808 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
ES | Imagin Multiple Access |
individual | 733 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
ES | Banco Santander Multiple Access |
individual | 735 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
ES | Banco Sabadell Multiple Access |
individual | 1603 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
ES | Rural Multiple Access |
individual | 92 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
ES | Eurocaja Rural | No details available | |||
ES | Cajamar |
individual | 191 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
ES | Abanca Multiple Access |
individual | 90 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
ES | Unicaja Multiple Access |
individual | 360 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
ES | Openbank Multiple Access |
individual | 141 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
ES | Ibercaja Multiple Access |
individual | 1828 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
ES | Kutxa Multiple Access |
individual | 165 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
ES | Bankinter Multiple Access |
individual | 317 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
ES | EVO Banco Multiple Access |
individual | 1799 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
EE | Swedbank | No details available | |||
EE | Bank Citadele | No details available | |||
EE | SEB | No details available | |||
EE | Luminor | No details available | |||
LV | Swedbank | No details available | |||
LV | Bank Citadele | No details available | |||
LV | SEB | No details available | |||
LV | Luminor | No details available | |||
LT | Swedbank | No details available | |||
LT | Bank Citadele | No details available | |||
LT | SEB | No details available | |||
LT | Luminor | No details available | |||
PT | Activo Bank | No details available | |||
PT | Crédito Agrícola | No details available | |||
PT | Atlantico | No details available | |||
PT | Bankinter |
individual | 409 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PT | EuroBic | No details available | |||
PT | BIG | No details available | |||
PT | BPG | No details available | |||
PT | BPI |
individual | 747 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PT | Caixa Agrícola Bombarral | No details available | |||
PT | Caixa de Crédito Agrícola da Chamusca | No details available | |||
PT | Caixadirecta |
individual | 1331 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PT | Caixa Crédito Leiria | No details available | |||
PT | CEMAH | No details available | |||
PT | CGD | No details available | |||
PT | Caixa de Crédito Agrícola Mútuo de Torres Vedras, CRL | No details available | |||
PT | Cofidis | No details available | |||
PT | Millennium BCP |
individual | 231 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PT | Montepio | No details available | |||
PT | Novo Banco dos Açores | No details available | |||
PT | Novo Banco |
individual | 732 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PT | Santander Totta |
individual | 366 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
PT | Unicre | No details available | |||
RO | Alpha Bank | No details available | |||
RO | ING |
individual | 91 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
RO | Banca Transilvania |
individual | 91 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
RO | Banca Comercială Română |
individual | 94 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
RO | BRD |
individual | 88 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
RO | Garanti BBVA | No details available | |||
RO | Unicredit Bank |
individual | 90 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
RO | Raiffeisenbank |
individual | 92 | Show Details |
Transaction details:
Target details:
* - not always available
PDF Parsing
The PDF Parsing service is available only in Poland.
Bank | Monthly | Account History | Transaction Confirmation | Details |
Alior Bank | Show Details | |||
Supported document types:
Bank details:
BNP Paribas | Show Details | |||
Supported document types:
Bank details:
BOŚ Bank | Show Details | |||
Supported document types:
Bank details:
Santander (old BZ WBK) | Show Details | |||
Supported document types:
Bank details:
Citi Handlowy | Show Details | |||
Supported document types:
Bank details:
Credit Agricole | Show Details | |||
Supported document types:
Bank details:
VeloBank | Show Details | |||
Supported document types:
Bank details:
ING Bank Śląski | Show Details | |||
Supported document types:
Bank details:
Inteligo | Show Details | |||
Supported document types:
Bank details:
mBank | Show Details | |||
Supported document types:
Bank details:
Bank Millennium | Show Details | |||
Supported document types:
Bank details:
Pekao S.A. | Show Details | |||
Supported document types:
Bank details:
PKO BP | Show Details | |||
Supported document types:
Bank details:
Bank Pocztowy | Show Details | |||
Supported document types:
Bank details:
Nest Bank | Show Details | |||
Supported document types:
Bank details:
Kasa Stefczyka | Show Details | |||
Supported document types:
If you wish to parse not consistent (or sometimes inconsistent) documents, you need to set the acceptInconsistent
flag in your API requests.
Parsing those documents in PDF Widget or Insight requires a request to Support to enable this feature.
Available KontoBank test accounts
Below you'll find information about test accounts available in our mock bank under the name "KontoBank" in the SignIn Widget.
The mock data is available only in the testing environment.
Password and SMS code for all accounts are always the same - Test123.
Country | Login | KYC | Kind | Currency | Details |
PL | test1 |
OWNER | PLN | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 206
Value: 0.7204348357 Percentile: 0.8085198489 Tier: C |
PL | test2 |
OWNER | PLN | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 0 Number of Accounts: 4 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 329
Value: 0.8063939812 Percentile: 0.9069632495 Tier: B |
PL | test3 |
COMPANY | PLN | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 2 Number of Accounts: 6 Number of Credit Cards: 2 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 404
Value: 0.7330950833 Percentile: 0.8278069448 Tier: C |
PL | test4 |
OWNER | PLN | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 2 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 316
Value: 0.5976698054 Percentile: 0.5725799024 Tier: D |
PL | test5 |
OWNER | PLN | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 2 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 273
Value: 0.783133938 Percentile: 0.8876853643 Tier: B |
PL | test6 |
COMPANY | PLN | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 2 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 395
Value: 0.441327223 Percentile: 0.2830616192 Tier: E |
PL | test7 |
OWNER | PLN | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 1 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 359
Value: 0.5718347099 Percentile: 0.5179147094 Tier: D |
PL | test8 |
OWNER | PLN | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 2 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 333
Value: 0.7986605061 Percentile: 0.9011513309 Tier: B |
PL | test9 |
OWNER | PLN | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 2 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 388
Value: 0.8213330915 Percentile: 0.9171962789 Tier: B |
PL | test10 |
OWNER | PLN/EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 2 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 385
Value: 0.7301029332 Percentile: 0.8233582021 Tier: C |
PL | test11 |
OWNER | PLN | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 0 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 461
Value: 0.4260734867 Percentile: 0.2211769939 Tier: E |
PL | test12 |
OWNER | PLN | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 0 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 363
Value: 0.5851961709 Percentile: 0.5480950387 Tier: D |
PL | test13 |
OWNER | PLN | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 0 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 1459
Value: 0.7227453071 Percentile: 0.8120014737 Tier: C |
PL | test15 |
OWNER | PLN | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 489
Value: 0.339589596 Percentile: 0.1640600534 Tier: F |
CZ | test1 |
OWNER | CZK | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 1 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 359
Value: 0.5534367527 Percentile: 0.7348931841 Tier: D |
CZ | test2 |
OWNER | CZK | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 2 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 385
Value: 0.737418791 Percentile: 0.9125127162 Tier: C |
CZ | test3 |
OWNER | CZK | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 239
Value: 0.4300521252 Percentile: 0.5692777213 Tier: E |
CZ | test4 |
OWNER | CZK | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 3 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 341
Value: 0.3631179755 Percentile: 0.4699898271 Tier: E |
CZ | test5 |
OWNER | CZK | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 68
Value: 0.8456155733 Percentile: 0.9770091556 Tier: A |
CZ | test6 |
OWNER | CZK | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 2 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 359
Value: 0.8015546551 Percentile: 0.9550356053 Tier: B |
CZ | test7 |
OWNER | CZK | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 1 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 250
Value: 0.5718347099 Percentile: 0.5179147094 Tier: D |
CZ | test8 |
OWNER | CZK | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 1 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 383
Value: 0.7184603529 Percentile: 0.898474059 Tier: C |
CZ | test9 |
OWNER | CZK | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 2 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 373
Value: 0.280069736 Percentile: 0.3312309257 Tier: F |
CZ | test10 |
COMPANY | CZK | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 178
Value: 0.7052404942 Percentile: 0.887283825 Tier: C |
EE | test1 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 537 |
EE | test2 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 280 |
EE | test3 |
COMPANY | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 462 |
EE | test4 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 538 |
EE | test5 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 335 |
EE | test6 |
COMPANY | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 557 |
EE | test7 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 494 |
EE | test8 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 491 |
EE | test9 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 578 |
EE | test10 |
COMPANY | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 573 |
ES | test1 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 193
Value: 0.6010726334 Percentile: 0.6482152402 Tier: C |
ES | test2 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 1 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 559
Value: 0.8069558858 Percentile: 0.8788976659 Tier: B |
ES | test3 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 2 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 367
Value: 0.8198581932 Percentile: 0.8924392707 Tier: B |
ES | test4 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 547
Value: 0.8820194196 Percentile: 0.9545643523 Tier: A |
ES | test5 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 2 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 269
Value: 0.7377669879 Percentile: 0.8043594465 Tier: B |
ES | test6 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 63
Value: 0.6872955881 Percentile: 0.746570054 Tier: C |
ES | test7 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 3 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 547
Value: 0.7776618353 Percentile: 0.847122409 Tier: B |
ES | test8 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 388
Value: 0.8545930003 Percentile: 0.9280156798 Tier: A |
ES | test9 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 290
Value: 0.7339317521 Percentile: 0.7994298272 Tier: B |
ES | test10 |
COMPANY | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 3 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 270
Value: 0.7620307601 Percentile: 0.8295420799 Tier: B |
LT | test1 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 159 |
LT | test2 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 413 |
LT | test3 |
COMPANY | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 257 |
LT | test4 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 370 |
LT | test5 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 217 |
LT | test6 |
COMPANY | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 142 |
LT | test7 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 249 |
LT | test8 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 572 |
LT | test9 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 501 |
LT | test10 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 549 |
LV | test1 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 508 |
LV | test2 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 556 |
LV | test3 |
COMPANY | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 301 |
LV | test4 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 501 |
LV | test5 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 469 |
LV | test6 |
COMPANY | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 303 |
LV | test7 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 288 |
LV | test8 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 396 |
LV | test9 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 368 |
LV | test10 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 550 |
PT | test1 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 0 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 199 |
PT | test2 |
OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 0 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 347 |
PT | test3 |
COMPANY | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 0 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 490 |
PT | test4 |
(no owner)
(not available) | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 0 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 182 |
PT | test5 |
(no owner)
(not available) | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 0 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 479 |
PT | test6 |
(no owner)
(not available) | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 0 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 557 |
PT | test7 |
(no owner)
(not available) | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 0 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 274 |
PT | test8 |
(no owner)
(not available) | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 0 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 248 |
PT | test9 |
(no owner)
(not available) | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 0 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 555 |
PT | test10 |
CO_OWNER | EUR | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 465 |
RO | test1 |
OWNER | RON | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 569 |
RO | test2 |
OWNER | RON | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 572 |
RO | test3 |
COMPANY | RON | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 134 |
RO | test4 |
OWNER | RON | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 163 |
RO | test5 |
OWNER | RON | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 435 |
RO | test6 |
COMPANY | RON | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 296 |
RO | test7 |
OWNER | RON | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 3 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 561 |
RO | test8 |
OWNER | RON | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 588 |
RO | test9 |
OWNER | RON | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 1 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 501 |
RO | test10 |
OWNER | RON | Show Details |
Account details:
Co-owners: 1 Number of Accounts: 2 Number of Credit Cards: 0 Days Since Oldest Transaction: 530 |
Label | Description | Direction | Type | Countries |
factoring | all transactions related to factoring companies | both | Business labeling | PL |
financing activity | label assigned automatically to all transactions having any label from financing category | both | Business labeling | PL |
government assistance | transfers related to government aid programs intended for companies and entrepreneurs | income | Business labeling | PL |
investing activity | label assigned automatically to all transactions having any label from investing category | both | Business labeling | PL |
investments | transfers related to investing money by a company for profit | both | Business labeling | PL |
operating activity | label assigned automatically to all transactions having any label from operating category | both | Business labeling | PL |
payment terminal | transactions made via payment terminal | income | Business labeling | PL |
payroll | wages paid to employees | expense | Business labeling | PL |
split payment | transactions with amount of payment divided into two or more transactions | both | Business labeling | PL |
cash deposit | physical cash deposit via bank machine (ATM) or bank branch | income | Cash | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
cash withdrawal | physical cash withdrawal from a bank machine (ATM) or bank branch | expense | Cash | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
compensation | widely understood compensation, including all cases where individual receives money from a company, such as on the basis of a B2B contract; compensation is more general than salary | income | Compensation | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
extra pay | transfer of money from a company to an individual which is more than a regular salary, such as overtime payments, discretionary bonuses, reimbursements for work travel expenses etc. | income | Compensation | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
pension | payments of retirement money or pension received from the state | income | Compensation | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
regular wage | recurring revenue coming regularly from the same account and having amount high enough to consider transaction as wage payment | income | Compensation | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
salary | transfer from a company to an individual on the basis of an employment contract | income | Compensation | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
bailiff | transactions that are executed by bailiffs or enforcement agents following a court decision and without any action from the account owner | expense | Debt | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
claim | payments made by loan companies to the clients, who were successfully reclaiming short-term loans, can be assigned only when loan label is also assigned (beta) | income | Debt | ES |
credit card | repayment of credit card debt, can be combined with return in case of overpayment; label repayment is also being automatically assigned to such transactions | expense | Debt | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
debt collection | voluntary repayment of debt to specialized debt collection companies | both | Debt | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
invoice | all incoming (mostly for companies) invoices, but also outgoing payments (often for phone and internet and tv) | both | Debt | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
late payment | overdue payment transactions, usually combined with repayment label | expense | Debt | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
leasing | transactions indicating a leasing repayment | expense | Debt | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
loan | transactions indicating a loan from a lending company or a bank; the label covers payday loans, consumer loans etc; does not cover: leasing-related transactions | income | Debt | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
mortgage | transactions indicating a mortgage repayment | expense | Debt | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
repayment | repayment of a debt, such as loan installment or credit card debt | expense | Debt | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
accountancy | payments for accounting services | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
alcohol | spirits and liquor stores, online alcohol shops | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
apparel | clothes, shoes, handbags etc. | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
beauty | cosmetics, pharmacy, perfume shops, barber and hairdresser, manicure and pedicure salons, basic hygiene expenses; does not cover: apparel spendings | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
books | money spent on books, ebooks, audiobooks, DVDs, albums, magazines etc. in stores like e.g. Empik in Poland or online | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
casinos | gambling subcategory, casinos transactions including online casinos; label gambling is being additionally assigned to these transactions | both | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
charity | transfers describing charity transactions | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
culture | events, concerts, museums, cinema, theaters, festivals, escape rooms, zoo visits, and similar; does not cover: does not cover transport and traveling | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
currencies | currency exchange transactions | both | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
e commerce | buying stuff online, for example Amazon, AliExpress, Allegro | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
eating out | bars, restaurants, cafes, bistros, fast food restaurants; does not cover: pubs, cocktail bars, night clubs | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
education | education related outbound transactions (courses, university fee, academic, school trips), but also incoming transactions like grants or scholarships; does not cover: books | both | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
electronics | consumer electronics, all physical and online stores, which have selling electronics as their primary business, for example MediaMarkt; also includes repair services and gadget shops; does not cover: electricity bills. | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
express transfer | transactions with titles, which indicate that it was an express transfer. BLIK online and phone payments work like express transfers. | both | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
flowers | purchases in flower shops, including online stores | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
food with delivery | home food delivery (e.g. or Uber Eats) | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
gambling | online gambling and betting, lottery tickets, city casinos, and other forms of gambling; it can also mark income transactions, e.g. gambling gains | both | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
insurance | mandatory or optional insurance of any type, both expense and income transactions (e.g. overpayment return or insurance indemnity) | both | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
investments | transfers related to investing money for profit | both | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
leisure | transactions automatically assigned to transactions with labels: books, culture, pets, press, software and games, sport, streaming, travel | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
lotteries | gambling subcategory, e.g. lottery tickets; label gambling is being additionally assigned to these transactions | both | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
nightlife | pubs and cocktail bars, night clubs, gentlemen clubs | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
pets | money spent on pets, vet, food for dogs and cats etc. | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
postal service | outcoming postal transactions (e.g. Inpost, Poczta Polska, DHL, DPD) | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
press | money spent in newspaper shops | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
software and games | money spent on PlayStation, Xbox, Windows Store etc., also all expenses for phone applications, such as Google Play, Apple App Store | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
sport | sport-related expenses, including gyms, pools, yoga lessons, dance lessons, etc.; it covers sport gear shops (e.g. bike shops, Decathlon) as well | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
sports betting | gambling subcategory; label gambling is being additionally assigned to these transactions | both | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
streaming | any kind of online streaming services, e.g. Spotify, Netflix, Disney Plus, HBO Go; includes also iTunes purchases and similar | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
tobacco | indicates products bought in specialized tobacco shops | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
travel | money spent on accommodation, flight tickets, long distance trains etc. | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
uberlike and taxi | taxis, taxi-like services (e.g. Uber, Taxify, Lyft), carpooling services (e.g. BlaBlaCar) and car rentals (e.g. Panek) | expense | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
university | outgoing transactions that are expenditure on higher education and incoming transactions like scholarships | both | Lifestyle | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
alimony | incoming and outgoing alimony transactions (children-related) | both | Living | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
car | fuel, parking, insurance, repairs, car accessories, road taxes, tickets and other car-related expenses | expense | Living | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
children | children-related expense and income; toys, accessories and clothes for babies, toddlers and young teenagers, children stores, kindergarten and pre-school payments, primary school books and expenses; does not cover: higher education, university fees, specialised trainings and courses e.g. photography school | both | Living | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
fee | bank and other financial fees; most often relatively small amount; it also covers fines and tickets, payments for SMS notifications etc. | expense | Living | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
grocery | grocery stores, discount stores, supermarkets | expense | Living | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
healthcare | medication, doctor and dentist visits, medical diagnosis, hospital bills, treatment bills, rehabilitation bills; does not cover: beauty procedures and SPA | expense | Living | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
indemnity | insurance indemnity incoming transfers; label insurance is being additionally assigned to these transactions | income | Living | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
internet and tv | internet and TV bills | expense | Living | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
life insurance | life insurance transfers, both expense and income transactions (e.g. overpayment return or life insurance indemnity) | both | Living | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
phone | mobile, landline | expense | Living | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
public transport | public transport tickets and fees | expense | Living | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
refurbishment | construction, furniture, interior design and household appliances | expense | Living | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
rent | payment of rent for house, apartment, student housing etc. | expense | Living | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
utilities | basic utilities like electricity, gas, water, heating, garbage collection; does not cover: TV, phone, internet, rent | expense | Living | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
500+ | specific welfare benefit granted in Poland for every next child under 18 | income | State | PL |
cit | transfers describing CIT transactions (one of tax types in Poland- corporate income tax) | expense | State | PL |
krus | transfers suggesting that it is a corporate transfer (one of social insurance types in Poland) | expense | State | PL |
pit | transfers describing PIT transactions (one of tax types in Poland) | expense | State | PL |
sick benefit | sickness benefits received due to a temporary or permanent inability to work; if this is a benefit paid by the state, label welfare is additionally assigned | income | State | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
tax | income tax (PIT), property tax, capital gain tax, interest tax, excise, duty, value added tax (VAT), state social insurance (in Poland: ZUS), inheritance tax, and any other form of taxation; transactions with this label are usually expense transactions, but they could also represent income, e.g. tax return | expense | State | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
unemployment benefit | government support for the unemployed | income | State | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
vat | transfers describing VAT transactions (one of tax types in Poland) | expense | State | PL |
welfare | any kind of social security - money received from the state, private charities and NGOs | income | State | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
zus | transfers suggesting that it is a corporate transfer (one of social insurance types in Poland) | expense | State | PL |
bank | transactions to and from banks, currently only available in Poland, can be assigned only when verification, loan or repayment label is also assigned | both | Technical | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
card payment | payments made with the use of a payment card | expense | Technical | PL |
internal | transactions between person's own accounts (self-to-self) or within the immediate family (same surname) | both | Technical | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
loan company | transactions to and from non-bank lending companies, can be assigned only when verification, loan or repayment label is also assigned | both | Technical | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
monthly | transactions that occur monthly around the same date, have similar title and amount and the same party (sender or recipient) | both | Technical | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
overdraft | user has withdrawn more money than the account holds | expense | Technical | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
overdraft recovery | transactions that helped to have the non-negative account balance again | income | Technical | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
payment processor | payment typically involving online card payment or a payment processor like PayPal, PayU, DotPay, Allegro, DialCom24 etc. | both | Technical | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
return | money returned because of overpayment (e.g. tax returns) or consumer goods returned at the store, incoming return payments are also described with labels indicating the type of the original transactions, e.g. repayment, tax or apparel, even though these labels are intended mainly for expense transactions | income | Technical | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
savings | safe investments (e.g. term deposits, voluntary retirement savings), also (positive) interest from savings | both | Technical | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
verification | transactions which serve to prove user's identity or account ownership, typically with a very small nominal amount like 1 EUR or 0.01 EUR; often combined with return | both | Technical | PL, CZ, ES, PT, LV, RO |
Vendors Recognition
You can also view this list as a spreadsheet here: Kontomatik Vendors Recognition
Label | Vendors |
payment terminal | Adyen, Credit Agricole, Elavon, ERPLY, eService, ING Bank, Ingenico, IT CARD, myPOS, PayTel, Pekao, PolCard from Fiserv, Polskie ePłatności Online, SIX Payment Services, SumUp, Worldline |
loan | 10Online, 24Gotówka, Aasa Polska, Adcredit, Adfinance, Aion, Alfafinance, Alfakredyt, Alior Bank, Arena, Aventus, Avior, AXI Card, BMW Bank, BNP Paribas, Balt Credit, Bancovo, Bank BGŻ, Bank BPH, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, Bank Ochrony Środowiska, Bank Pekao SA, Bank Pocztowy, Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości, Bank Spółdzielczy, Benefitia, Benz Bank, Bocian Pożyczki, Capital Service, Cardina, Cashalot, Cashmey, Cashper, Cashtero, Centimo, Centrum Rozwiązań Kredytowych, Citi Handlowy, Cofidis, Cream Finance, Credissimo, Credit Agricole, Credit Company, Creditron, Creditstar, Credy, Darmo Pożyczka, Deutsche Bank, Dobra Kasa, Ducatos, Dziesiątka Finance, E Kassa, Eden Finance, Ekspres Kasa, Ekspres Pożyczka, Envelo Bank, Epeer, Euroloan, Extra Portfel, Fair Finance24, Fellow Finance, Feniko, Feniks, Ferratum, Filarum, Finansowe Posiłki, Finansowo, Finbo, Fincapital, Fingo Capital, Finhero, Finpomoc, Friendly Finance, Friko, Funeda, Getin Bank, Gotówka Nonstop, Gru Gru, Gwarant24, HSBC, Halopożyczka, Hapipożyczki, Honesta, ING Bank, Icredit, ID Finance, Idea Bank, Ikano, InBank, InCredit, Instant Money, IPF Polska, JJK Credit, KIM Finance, Kredito24, KredytOK, Król Pożyczek, Kuki, Kviku, Lendon, Lendup, Lew Pożyczka, Lidya, Lime Kredyt, Loan Me, Lonit, Mash, Mdp Finance, Mediraty, Mikrokasa, Millennium, Miloan, Modna Pożyczka, Monedo, Moneton, MoneyMan, Moneyplanet, Mutum, Nest Bank, Net Credit, Net Gotówka, Netcredit, Nexu, Niewielka Pożyczka, Nordea Bank, Nordecum, Ofin, Oney, Oros, PKO Bank Polski, Pay Tree, Plus Bank, Polcredit, Polożyczka, Pożyczka 24, PożyczkaPlus, Pożyczki Novum, Pożyczkomat, PPL Finance, Preslo, Prestito, Profi Credit, Prometeusz, Prosta Pożyczka, Prosty Kredyt, Provema, Provident Polska, Providus, RCI Banque, Raiffeisen Bank, Rapida,, Rodzinne Pożyczki, Rupi, SGB Bank, SKOK, Santander, Saverium, Siemens Finance, Smart Pożyczka, Smartney, Soho Credit, Solcredit, Solven, Soonly, Sponto, Super Credit, Super Grosz, Super Kasa, Super Tysiak, Sygma Banque, SzybkaGotó, Takto, Taratatu, Top-ratka, Toyota Bank, Tusumi, Twincard, Via SMS, Visset, Vivus, Volksbank, Volkswagen Bank, Wandoo, Wonga, Wygodna Pożyczka, Wygodne pożyczki,, Zetos, mBank, Łatwa Pożyczka, Świetna Pożyczka |
loan | 4finance, AXI Card, Abanca, AvaFin, Avinto, Azlo, BBVA, Bankinter, Bondora, Busco Préstamo, CCloan, Caixa Bank, Carrefour, CashEddy, CashGo, Cashper, Cashrush, Cetelem, Champ Loan, Cofidis, Contante, Creamfinance, Credit Agricole, Creditea, Creditero, Creditio, Credito Más, CreditoClaro, CreditoPostal, CreditoSi, Creditofast, Creditron, Creditstar, Credityes, Credy, Dineo, Dinevo, Dispon, Doctor Dinero, FINANCA, Ferratum, Fidea, Fidinda, Fiesta Crédito, FinJet, Financiar24, Findirect, Fineria, Fintonic, Fintya, GetBucks, Gusuduru, Heimondo, ING, Ibercaja, Ibercrédito, Infocredy, Instant Credit, Kelisto, Kreditech, Kutxabank, Kviku, Kyzoo, Loando, Loaney, LunaCredit, Mi Prestamo, miDinero Ahora, MiLinea, MicroBank, MiniCredit, Mondeo, Monedo, moneygo, Moneyman, Moneynow, Movinero, myKredit, NecesitoDinero, Netcredit, Ok Money, Oney, Pepe Credito, Pepper Money, Pezetita, Plazo Credit, Prestalo, Prestamer, Prestamhoy, Prestomatic, QueBueno, Rapicash, Sabadell, Sainsburys Bank, Santander, Savso, ServiCash, Simpleros, Smart Credito, Solcredito, Tamga, Twinero, viaconto, Vivus, Vía SMS, Wandoo, Welp, Wenance, Win Credit, Wizink, Wonga, Younited Credit, Zaplo |
mortgage | Alior Bank, Bank BGŻ, Bank BPH, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, BNP Paribas, Bank Ochrony Środowiska, Bank Pocztowy, Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości, Bank Spółdzielczy, Citi Handlowy, Credit Agricole, Deutsche Bank, Getin Bank, Idea Bank, ING Bank, InBank, Millennium, PKO Bank Polski, Pekao, Plus Bank, Raiffeisen Bank, RCI Banque, Santander, SGB Bank, SKOK Stefczyka, mBank, Velo Bank, Volksbank |
mortgage | Abanca, BBVA, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, Bankia, Bankinter, CaixaBank, Cajamar, Credit Agricole, Deutsche Bank, ING, Ibercaja, Kutxabank, Openbank, Sabadell, Santander, Unicaja, Unión de Créditos Inmobiliarios |
repayment | 10Online, 24Gotówka, Aasa Polska, Adcredit, Adfinance, Aion, Alfafinance, Alfakredyt, Alior Bank, Arena, Aventus, Avior, AXI Card, BMW Bank, BNP Paribas, Balt Credit, Bancovo, Bank BGŻ, Bank BPH, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, Bank Ochrony Środowiska, Bank Pekao SA, Bank Pocztowy, Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości, Bank Spółdzielczy, Benefitia, Benz Bank, Bocian Pożyczki, Capital Service, Cardina, Cashalot, Cashmey, Cashper, Cashtero, Centimo, Centrum Rozwiązań Kredytowych, Citi Handlowy, Cofidis, Cream Finance, Credissimo, Credit Agricole, Credit Company, Creditron, Creditstar, Credy, Darmo Pożyczka, Deutsche Bank, Dobra Kasa, Ducatos, Dziesiątka Finance, E Kassa, Eden Finance, Ekspres Kasa, Ekspres Pożyczka, Envelo Bank, Epeer, Euroloan, Extra Portfel, Fair Finance24, Fellow Finance, Feniko, Feniks, Ferratum, Filarum, Finansowe Posiłki, Finansowo, Finbo, Fincapital, Fingo Capital, Finhero, Finpomoc, Friendly Finance, Friko, Funeda, Getin Bank, Gotówka Nonstop, Gru Gru, Gwarant24, HSBC, Halopożyczka, Hapipożyczki, Honesta, ING Bank, Icredit, ID Finance, Idea Bank, Ikano, InBank, InCredit, Instant Money, IPF Polska, JJK Credit, KIM Finance, Kredito24, KredytOK, Król Pożyczek, Kuki, Kviku, Lendon, Lendup, Lew Pożyczka, Lidya, Lime Kredyt, Loan Me, Lonit, Mash, Mdp Finance, Mediraty, Mikrokasa, Millennium, Miloan, Modna Pożyczka, Monedo, Moneton, MoneyMan, Moneyplanet, Mutum, Nest Bank, Net Credit, Net Gotówka, Netcredit, Nexu, Niewielka Pożyczka, Nordea Bank, Nordecum, Ofin, Oney, Oros, PKO Bank Polski, Pay Tree, Plus Bank, Polcredit, Polożyczka, Pożyczka 24, PożyczkaPlus, Pożyczki Novum, Pożyczkomat, PPL Finance, Preslo, Prestito, Profi Credit, Prometeusz, Prosta Pożyczka, Prosty Kredyt, Provema, Provident Polska, Providus, RCI Banque, Raiffeisen Bank, Rapida,, Rodzinne Pożyczki, Rupi, SGB Bank, SKOK, Santander, Saverium, Siemens Finance, Smart Pożyczka, Smartney, Soho Credit, Solcredit, Solven, Soonly, Sponto, Super Credit, Super Grosz, Super Kasa, Super Tysiak, Sygma Banque, SzybkaGotó, Takto, Taratatu, Top-ratka, Toyota Bank, Tusumi, Twincard, Via SMS, Visset, Vivus, Volksbank, Volkswagen Bank, Wandoo, Wonga, Wygodna Pożyczka, Wygodne pożyczki,, Zetos, mBank, Łatwa Pożyczka |
repayment | 4finance, AXI Card, Abanca, AvaFin, Avinto, Azlo, BBVA, Bankinter, Bondora, Busco Préstamo, CCloan, Caixa Bank, Carrefour, CashEddy, CashGo, Cashper, Cashrush, Cetelem, Champ Loan, Cofidis, Contante, Creamfinance, Credit Agricole, Creditea, Creditero, Creditio, Credito Más, CreditoClaro, CreditoPostal, CreditoSi, Creditofast, Creditron, Creditstar, Credityes, Credy, Dineo, Dinevo, Dispon, Doctor Dinero, FINANCA, Ferratum, Fidea, Fidinda, Fiesta Crédito, FinJet, Financiar24, Findirect, Fineria, Fintonic, Fintya, GetBucks, Gusuduru, Heimondo, ING, Ibercaja, Ibercrédito, Infocredy, Instant Credit, Kelisto, Kreditech, Kutxabank, Kviku, Kyzoo, Loando, Loaney, LunaCredit, Mi Prestamo, miDinero Ahora, MiLinea, MicroBank, MiniCredit, Mondeo, Monedo, moneygo, Moneyman, Moneynow, Movinero, myKredit, NecesitoDinero, Netcredit, Ok Money, Oney, Pepe Credito, Pepper Money, Pezetita, Plazo Credit, Prestalo, Prestamer, Prestamhoy, Prestomatic, QueBueno, Rapicash, Sabadell, Sainsburys Bank, Santander, Savso, ServiCash, Simpleros, Smart Credito, Solcredito, Tamga, Twinero, viaconto, Vivus, Vía SMS, Wandoo, Welp, Wenance, Win Credit, Wizink, Wonga, Younited Credit, Zaplo |
gambling | Argo Casino, BetX, Betclic, Betfan, Betsafe, Betsson, Casino Heroes, CasinoEuro, E-TOTO Zakłady Bukmacherskie, eWinner, ForBET, Fortuna, Fuksiarz Zakłady Bukmacherskie, Funstage, GO+bet, GameTwist, LV BET, Lottoland, Noblebet Zakłady Bukmacherskie, PZBuk, STS, Superbet, TOTALbet, Total Casino, Totalizator Sportowy, Traf Online, True Flip, Unibet, World Lottery Club |
gambling | Apuestas Royal, Bet365, bet4u, BetWay, BetWinner, Betfair, Bethard, Betmagnet, Betsson, BingoSoft, Botemania, Bwin, Casumo, Cirsa, Club Player Casino, Codere, Coinbase, Electraworks, Estoril Sol Digital, Euroapuestas, ExclusiveBet, Genesis Casino, Goldbet, Grupo Orenes, Hermione Games, Huuuge Games, Interwetten, JOKERBET, Juegging, JuegosONCE, KirolBet, Lapalingo, LeoVegas Casino, Loteria Castillo, Lotomania, Lotopia, Luckia, Löwen Play, MONOPOLY Casino, Marathonbet, Marca Apuestas, Merkur Magic, OlyBet, OnyxioN, Platincasino, PlayUZU Casino, PokerStars, R. Franco group, RETAbet, Serviapuestas, Sociedad Estatal Loterías y Apuestas del Estado, Sportium, StarVegas, TuLotero, UPBET, Unique Casino, Winamax |
insurance | 4Life Direct, Accredited, Aegon, Aig, Alior Bank, Allianz, Aviva, Axa, Balcia, Beesafe, Benefia, Cardif Assurances, Compensa, Credit Agricole, ERGO Hestia, Euroins, Europ Assistance, GSU, Generali, Gothaer, HDI, ING Bank, INTER Polska, InterRisk, Link4, Macif, Medisky, Mediccentre, MetLife, Millennium, Nationale-Nederlanden, Notus, Open Life, PKO, PZU, Pekao SA, Proama, PRU, Santander Bank Polska, Signal Iduna, Trasti, TU Europa, TUW, TUZ Ubezpieczenia, UNIQA, Unum, Warta, Wefox, Wiener, Zdrowie |
insurance | Adeslas, Aegon, Allianz, Asisa, Axa, BBVA Seguros, Balumba, CNP Seguros, Caixa Bank, Cardif Assurances, Caser Seguros, Epsom, Europea, Fenix, Generali, Helvetia, HomeServe, Ibercaja, Icare service, La Previsora, Liberty Seguros, Linea Directa, MAPFRE, MGS, MetLife, Mutua Madrileña, Nationale-Nederlanden, NorteHispana, Ocaso, Occident, Órbita, Prima Seguros, Qualitas Auto, Reale Seguros, Sanitas, Santa Lucía, Santander, SegurCaixa Adeslas, Terránea, VidaCaixa |
grocery | Action, Aldi, Auchan, Biedronka, Carrefour, Dealz, Dino, E.Leclerc, Edeka, Eurocash, Frisco, Gminna Spółdzielnia Samopomoc Chłopska, Groszek, Intermarche, Kaufland, Lewiatan, Lidl, Lisek, Makro, Małpka, Mokpol, Netto, Odido, Penny, Polomarket, Rewe, Selgros, Spar, Społem, Stokrotka, Tesco, Transgourmet, Żabka |
grocery | Ahorramas, Alcampo, Aldi, Alimerka, Caprabo, Carrefour, Coaliment, Condis, Consum, Coviran, DIA, Dealz, Dialprix, DinoSol, E.Leclerc, EcoDino, El Corte Ingles, Eroski, Fragadis, Froiz, Gadis, HiperDino, Hiperber, Lidl, Makro, Masymas, Maximercado, Mercadona, Minymas, PrimaPrix, Spar, SuperDino, superDumbo, SuperSol |
internet and tv | Astanet, Beskid Media, Canal+, Cyfrowy Polsat, Heyah, Inea, Korbank, Lycamobile Polska, Multimedia Polska, Netia, Nju Mobile, Orange Polska, Play, Plus, Polkomtel, T-Mobile Polska, Toya, UPC, Vectra, Virgin Mobile Polska |
internet and tv | AT&T, Atresmedia, Avatel, Cableworld, CenturyLink, DIGI mobil, Ding, Euskaltel, Finetwork, GaliciaFibra, Goufone, Jazztel, Lowi, Lycamobile, Movilonia, Movistar, MásMóvil, Olin, Oléphone, Onlycable, Orange, Pepephone, Satelvex, simyo, T-Mobile, TelePalma, Telecable, Telefónica, Telfy, Verizon, Virgin Mobile, Vodafone, Yoigo |
phone | Astanet, a2mobile, Canal+, Cyfrowy Polsat, Diallo, FM Group Mobile, Heyah, Inea, Klucz mobile, Lajt mobile, Lycamobile Polska, Mobile Vikings, Multimedia Polska, NC+, Netia, Nju Mobile, Orange Polska, Otvarta, Play, Plus, Plush, Polkomtel, Red Bull Mobile, T-Mobile Polska, Toya, Truphone, UPC, Vectra, Virgin Mobile Polska, W naszej Rodzinie |
phone | Atresmedia, Avatel, Cableworld, DIGI mobil, Ding, Euskaltel, Finetwork, GaliciaFibra, Goufone, Jazztel, Lowi, Lycamobile, Movilonia, Movistar, MásMóvil, O2, Olin, Oléphone, Onlycable, Orange, Pepephone, Rebtel, Satelvex, simyo, T-Mobile, TelePalma, Telecable, Telefónica, Telfy, Verizon, Virgin Mobile, Vodafone, Yoigo |
utilities | Enea, Eneco Energia, Energa, Eon, Fortum, GPEC, Innogy, Orange, PGE, PGNiG, Polenergia, RWE Polska, Tauron, Veolia Energia |
utilities | APEMSA, Agbar, Aguasvira, Alterna, Aquadama, Aqualia, Aquaservice, Baser, EDP, ENGIE, Easygas, Egaratelek, Emasagra, Emuasa, Endesa, FORTULUZ, Facsa, Gaselec, Gestagua, Hidraqua, Hidrogea, HomeServe, iberdrola, Naturgy, Podo, Primagas, Redexis, Remica, Repsol, SOREA, Selectra, Suministros Eléctricos, Total Energies, Veolia, Viaqua, Watium |
payment processor | AllegroPay, BLIK, BlueCash, Cashbill, DotPay, eCard, Elavon, eService, EVO Payments, Finea, IT CARD, PayPal, PayTel, PayU, Paymax, PolCard from Fiserv, Polskie ePłatności Online, Przelewy24, SIX Payment Services, SumUp, Tpay, Trustly, Wordline, zPay |
payment processor | ABANCA Pay, AdyaPay, Adyen, Aplazame, Apple Pay, Bizum, Bnext, CURO Payments, Dundle, EasyPay, Gelt, Google Pay, Ibercaja Pay, Inpay, Klarna, Mangopay, mobilPay, PayNet, PayPal, PayPro, Payflow, Paysafe, Paysend, Probiller, Redsys, Remitly, Revolut, SEFIDE, Samsung Pay, Scalapay, Segpay, ServiRed, Skrill, SlimPay, Sofort, Stripe, SumUp, Trans-Fast, Trustly, Tus Descuentos, Twyp, Unnax, Verotel, Verse, Wise, WorldRemit, Worldpay, Xoom |
verification | 10Online, 24Gotówka, Aasa Polska, Adcredit, Adfinance, Aion, Alfafinance, Alfakredyt, Alior Bank, Arena, Aventus, Avior, AXI Card, BMW Bank, BNP Paribas, Balt Credit, Bancovo, Bank BGŻ, Bank BPH, Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, Bank Ochrony Środowiska, Bank Pekao SA, Bank Pocztowy, Bank Polskiej Spółdzielczości, Bank Spółdzielczy, Benefitia, Benz Bank, Bocian Pożyczki, Capital Service, Cardina, Cashalot, Cashmey, Cashper, Cashtero, Centimo, Centrum Rozwiązań Kredytowych, Citi Handlowy, Cofidis, Cream Finance, Credissimo, Credit Agricole, Credit Company, Creditron, Creditstar, Credy, Darmo Pożyczka, Deutsche Bank, Dobra Kasa, Ducatos, Dziesiątka Finance, E Kassa, Eden Finance, Ekspres Kasa, Ekspres Pożyczka, Envelo Bank, Epeer, Euroloan, Extra Portfel, Fair Finance24, Fellow Finance, Feniko, Feniks, Ferratum, Filarum, Finansowe Posiłki, Finansowo, Finbo, Fincapital, Fingo Capital, Finhero, Finpomoc, Friendly Finance, Friko, Funeda, Getin Bank, Gotówka Nonstop, Gru Gru, Gwarant24, HSBC, Halopożyczka, Hapipożyczki, Honesta, ING Bank, Icredit, ID Finance, Idea Bank, Ikano, InBank, InCredit, Instant Money, IPF Polska, JJK Credit, KIM Finance, Kredito24, KredytOK, Król Pożyczek, Kuki, Kviku, Lendon, Lendup, Lew Pożyczka, Lidya, Lime Kredyt, Loan Me, Lonit, Mash, Mdp Finance, Mediraty, Mikrokasa, Millennium, Miloan, Modna Pożyczka, Monedo, Moneton, MoneyMan, Moneyplanet, Mutum, Nest Bank, Net Credit, Net Gotówka, Netcredit, Nexu, Niewielka Pożyczka, Nordea Bank, Nordecum, Ofin, Oney, Oros, PKO Bank Polski, Pay Tree, Plus Bank, Polcredit, Polożyczka, Pożyczka 24, PożyczkaPlus, Pożyczki Novum, Pożyczkomat, PPL Finance, Preslo, Prestito, Profi Credit, Prometeusz, Prosta Pożyczka, Prosty Kredyt, Provema, Provident Polska, Providus, RCI Banque, Raiffeisen Bank, Rapida,, Rodzinne Pożyczki, Rupi, SGB Bank, SKOK, Santander, Saverium, Siemens Finance, Smart Pożyczka, Smartney, Soho Credit, Solcredit, Solven, Soonly, Sponto, Super Credit, Super Grosz, Super Kasa, Super Tysiak, Sygma Banque, SzybkaGotó, Takto, Taratatu, Top-ratka, Toyota Bank, Tusumi, Twincard, Via SMS, Visset, Vivus, Volksbank, Volkswagen Bank, Wandoo, Wonga, Wygodna Pożyczka, Wygodne pożyczki,, Zetos, mBank, Łatwa Pożyczka, Świetna Pożyczka |
verification | 4finance, AXI Card, Abanca, AvaFin, Avinto, Azlo, BBVA, Bankinter, Bondora, Busco Préstamo, CCloan, Caixa Bank, Carrefour, CashEddy, CashGo, Cashper, Cashrush, Cetelem, Champ Loan, Cofidis, Contante, Creamfinance, Credit Agricole, Creditea, Creditero, Creditio, Credito Más, CreditoClaro, CreditoPostal, CreditoSi, Creditofast, Creditron, Creditstar, Credityes, Credy, Dineo, Dinevo, Dispon, Doctor Dinero, FINANCA, Ferratum, Fidea, Fidinda, Fiesta Crédito, FinJet, Financiar24, Findirect, Fineria, Fintonic, Fintya, GetBucks, Gusuduru, Heimondo, ING, Ibercaja, Ibercrédito, Infocredy, Instant Credit, Kelisto, Kreditech, Kutxabank, Kviku, Kyzoo, Loando, Loaney, LunaCredit, Mi Prestamo, miDinero Ahora, MiLinea, MicroBank, MiniCredit, Mondeo, Monedo, moneygo, Moneyman, Moneynow, Movinero, myKredit, NecesitoDinero, Netcredit, Ok Money, Oney, Pepe Credito, Pepper Money, Pezetita, Plazo Credit, Prestalo, Prestamer, Prestamhoy, Prestomatic, QueBueno, Rapicash, Sabadell, Sainsburys Bank, Santander, Savso, ServiCash, Simpleros, Smart Credito, Solcredito, Tamga, Twinero, viaconto, Vivus, Vía SMS, Wandoo, Welp, Wenance, Win Credit, Wizink, Wonga, Younited Credit, Zaplo |