

Scoring is a way to measure how likely a client is to repay their debt. It’s represented as a number, making it easy to assess someone’s financial credibility at a glance.

Our system calculates this score using Machine Learning. Trained on over 1.5 million features with a mix of statistical models and algorithms, it provides accurate and fast results. This enables you to quickly and confidently decide whether to approve or reject a loan application.

How Scoring is determined

Scoring is built around a Machine Learning model that predicts the probability of a client repaying their obligations. To train the model, we use labeled datasets from our partners that indicate whether or not an end-user’s repayment occurred. This process is essential - it helps the system learn patterns and relationships in the data that correlate with repayment behavior. The model learns to recognize what a “good” client looks like in terms of repayment potential.

Once the end-user’s data is on the Kontomatik servers (e.g. from AIS, PDF documents, or your own dataset) our system can generate:

Supported services

The scoring endpoint requires an ownerExternalId as input, meaning it can calculate scores using all data aggregated for a single end-user. Supported data sources include:


Integrating our scoring system is very straightforward:

  1. Import end-user data
  2. Call the /owner-scores.xml endpoint. Pass the ownerExternalId assigned to the end-user.
  3. Save the data from our API

The API will return:

For more technical details, refer to the Scoring section in our documentation. There, you’ll find everything you need to implement the solution, from endpoint specification to example API call.

Custom Scoring

Kontomatik can create a custom Scoring model, tailored to your specific criteria. This model will offer a unique structure of responses and values, which will be explained to you during the preparation process, ready for your use.

Additionally, Kontomatik provides Owner Features - a comprehensive set of Machine Learning-based metrics that are used in our scoring models and describe the profile of the account owner. In case you don’t want to rely solely on our final score, you can integrate selected features into your own decision-making process.

To access either of these options, please contact our Data Science team at for further details.


For technical documentation, refer to our unified documentation that offers comprehensive support for customers integrating with AIS services, our PDF parser, and Data Analysis solutions. Discover detailed guidance on seamless integration with Kontomatik services and explore their full range of capabilities.



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