Handling Inconsistent Statements

Some statements, particularly Account History, can inherently be inconsistent. These inconsistent type statements often lack crucial information such as balances after transactions or can be missing other essential details. They may also be filtered out for various reasons.

As the consistency verification is part of our PDF Parsing solution, these documents are rejected by default due to the fact that these checks cannot be performed when some information is missing.

If you however accept the risk of accepting potentially inconsistent statements, please continue with the guide.

acceptInconsistent flag via API

We provide an alternative means of processing these documents through our API. You can use the acceptInconsistent flag, which allows these types of documents to be processed. However, it’s important to note that enabling this flag does not turn off any possible checks on these inconsistent type statements or omit consistency checks for other documents.

To use this flag, include it in your API request as follows:

curl -H "X-Api-Key: YOUR_LONG_API_KEY_HERE" \
     -D "acceptInconsistent=true" \
     -F "pdfAsBase64=<YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_PDF_FILE" \

Remember to replace true with false or remove the flag when you want to stop accepting the inconsistent statements.

isConsistent flag

Once a statement gets parsed, the isConsistent flag will help you identify if the document was actually of the Inconsistent type or not. If the flag returns true, this means that the document is consistent. Conversely, a return value of false implies that the document is of an inconsistent type.

Here is a snippet from a sample response that shows the acceptInconsistent flag:

<statement id="12323423" isConsistent="true">

Parsing inconsistent documents via PDF Widget

Due to technical reasons, parsing inconsistent documents is not supported via the PDF Widget. As the same Widget is also used in Insight for you to upload the documents instead of the user, these documents won’t get parsed in there either.

List of inconsistent type statements

You’ll find the list of statements that might require using the acceptInconsistent flag in this document.


For technical documentation, refer to our unified documentation that offers comprehensive support for customers integrating with AIS services, our PDF parser, and Data Analysis solutions. Discover detailed guidance on seamless integration with Kontomatik services and explore their full range of capabilities.



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