SignIn Widget


In order to use our Account Information Service, the end-user has to first log in to their bank and authorize the data access. This is achieved through our SignIn Flow that allows the users to choose their bank, accept the mandatory consents and go through the authorization process.

In this article we will focus on the SignIn Redirection which is one of the versions of the SignIn Flow. The Widget is an HTML5 iframe element that you embed on your website by calling our JavaScript.


To embed the Widget on your website you will need to:

  1. Get API access
  2. Get your Client ID from Insight
  3. Use our remote JavaScript file with functions to manage the Widget
  4. Prepare a placeholder on your website for embedding the Widget
  5. Call a JavaScript function that will initiate and show the Widget

In the embedding function you will need to set the following:

  1. Client ID
  2. Reference the HTML element to embed the Widget in (typically ID of the element)
  3. (Optional, recommended) Generate and assign ownerExternalId if you want to fetch aggregated user data later or use our Analytical Services
  4. Specify the Widget interface language
  5. Specify the country of operation (limits the list of the banks to the selected country)
  6. Implement the onSuccess and onError callback that will handle the final states of the Widget and send the information to your backend
  7. (Optional) Specify the access mode to enable Multiple Access or the mixed mode
  8. (Optional) Configure custom styling to match your website
  9. (Optional) Handle other Widget callbacks for additional actions or analytics

User flow

    This is a sample flow that the end-users see when they use the SignIn Widget:

  1. Bank selection - the user chooses the bank they wish to share their account information from
  2. Consents - in order to perform the data import, the user has to consent to the terms of service and the data transfer to you
  3. Authorization - depending on the bank, this could mean multiple steps, including: credentials input, two-factor authorization (via app or SMS code), accounts selection, additional confirmation of the data sharing request
Once the process is finished, you will have to handle a final callback and guide the user further in your process.

Handling the Widget final callbacks

Once the user finishes the sign in process, the Widget will trigger one of the final callbacks (onSuccess or onError) which you will have to handle.


  1. Receive the callback input
  2. Pass the input (mainly sessionId and sessionIdSignature) to your backend
  3. (optionally) Pass the multipleAccessId to your backend and save it for future use
  4. Use the session parameters to perform Default Import
  5. Redirect the user to the next step in your process
  6. Wait for the import to finish - it's best to let the user leave your website in the meantime since the import might take longer than the user is prepared to wait
  7. Analyze the received data and let the user know about the next steps via email or other channels


  1. Receive the callback input
  2. Pass the input (sessionId and exception) to your backend
  3. Inform the user about the failed sign in attempt
  4. Propose to the user an alternative verification method or ask them to try again
  5. In case the process fails again, ask the user to try again later
  6. Analyze the gathered errors data as per Error handling

Please consult the following User Guides to help you handle specific scenarios related to the SignIn Widget:


For technical documentation, refer to our unified documentation that offers comprehensive support for customers integrating with AIS services, our PDF parser, and Data Analysis solutions. Discover detailed guidance on seamless integration with Kontomatik services and explore their full range of capabilities.



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