Account Information Service (Auto import)


Our Account Information Service (AIS) allows you to import data from an end-user’s account in any supported bank into your system. By default, it requires integrating with the Kontomatik API. However, if you prefer not to store sensitive banking data on your servers or simply want to avoid API integration, the Auto import feature is the perfect choice.

With Auto import, upon successful user login, the data import starts automatically, and the results are available in Insight.

This feature is only available in the Single Access mode.

How to use

Unlike with the regular AIS integration, Auto import does not require you to handle data imports on your server; everything is processed on Kontomatik’s side. To get started:

  1. Register on the Insight platform
  2. Get your Client ID from Insight
  3. Embed the SignIn Widget on your website and configure the auto import mode, specifying the number of months of history you require

Optionally you can implement some more advanced features on your side, e.g.:

Sample process flow

  1. A user visits your website and fills in a form to start the process.
  2. The user is redirected to the step where the SignIn Widget is placed.
  3. The user goes through the bank authorization.
  4. The onSuccess callback is triggered, allowing you to redirect the user to another step in your process.
  5. At this point, the user’s participation ends, and you can inform them that they will be notified later about the result of the bank verification.
  6. When the data is downloaded, it will show up in Insight for manual review.
  7. Inform the user about the status of the verification or your decision regarding their application.

Data coverage

The Auto import downloads all available data from the end-user’s bank account into the Insight portal, including:

Each bank is different and offers a unique set of details. You can check our Coverage to find which banks we support and what data scope they offer.

Additionally, if you’ve purchased optional services:

Auto import vs full integration

Choose between Auto import and full integration based on your needs:

For a detailed comparison, refer to our User Guide on Auto import vs. Full Integration.

To learn more about the Single Access service, check out our Single Access article.


For technical documentation, refer to our unified documentation that offers comprehensive support for customers integrating with AIS services, our PDF parser, and Data Analysis solutions. Discover detailed guidance on seamless integration with Kontomatik services and explore their full range of capabilities.



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